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RGBA Member List

This is the complete list of members for RGBA, including all inherited members.
_bpp (defined in Bitmap)Bitmap [protected]
alloc(int width, int height) (defined in Bitmap)Bitmap [protected]
Bitmap(int width=0, int height=0)Bitmap [inline]
blend(const Bitmap &source, int xoff=0, int yoff=0, int alpha=0)RGBA [virtual]
channel_count() const (defined in Bitmap)Bitmap [inline, protected, virtual]
clear()Bitmap [virtual]
clone() constBitmap [virtual]
ColorSpace enum nameBitmap
convert(Bitmap &target) constBitmap [virtual]
create() constRGBA [inline, virtual]
CS_ABGR enum value (defined in Bitmap)Bitmap
CS_BGR enum value (defined in Bitmap)Bitmap
CS_RGB enum value (defined in Bitmap)Bitmap
CS_RGBA enum value (defined in Bitmap)Bitmap
CS_YV12 enum value (defined in Bitmap)Bitmap
CS_YV12A enum value (defined in Bitmap)Bitmap
get_buf() constBitmap [inline]
get_color_space() constRGBA [inline, virtual]
get_pixel_alpha(int pixel) const (defined in RGBA)RGBA [inline, protected, virtual]
get_pixel_val(int pixel, int channel) const (defined in Packed)Packed [inline, protected, virtual]
get_space() constBitmap [inline]
get_space(int width, int height) constBitmap [inline]
h() constBitmap [inline]
put(const Bitmap &source, int xoff=0, int yoff=0)RGBA [virtual]
resize(int left=0, int right=0, int top=0, int bottom=0)Bitmap
resize_copy(int left=0, int right=0, int top=0, int bottom=0) constBitmap
resize_into(int left, int right, int top, int bottom, Bitmap *target) const (defined in Packed)Packed [protected, virtual]
RGBA(int width=0, int height=0) (defined in RGBA)RGBA [inline]
set_pixel_alpha(int pixel, int value) (defined in RGBA)RGBA [inline, protected, virtual]
set_pixel_val(int pixel, int channel, int value) (defined in Packed)Packed [inline, protected, virtual]
set_size(int width, int height)Bitmap [virtual]
unify_csp(Bitmap &bitmap) constBitmap [virtual]
w() constBitmap [inline]
~Bitmap() (defined in Bitmap)Bitmap [inline, virtual]

Generated on Sun Oct 19 17:34:48 2003 for rve by doxygen 1.3.3